How to Create a Job Posting with EzHire Cannabis
EzHireCannabis knows that hiring the right people in the cannabis industry can be difficult and time-consuming. This is why we created a platform that assembles quality candidates for hiring leaders within the industry.
Once you partner with EzHireCannabis, a dedicated Client Success Manager will be assigned to your account. They will learn about your business objectives, understand your hiring goals, and guide you through the process of getting started on the platform.
Once your profile has been created, you will have instant access to some of the best talent available in the industry.
Here is a guide to creating your employer profile on EzHireCannabis.com and posting your first job.
Creating Your Account
Navigate to https://app.ezhirecannabis.com/users/sign_up?type=employer
For this section, employers have the opportunity to list company details to create their employer account. This page will ask employers to:
- Choose a name for your account and type it into the field marked “Account Name”
- Select the size of your company using the drop-down menu
- Enter your full name into the area labeled “Full Name”
- Provide the email address you want to be associated with your account
- Provide a password with a minimum of 6 characters
- Select the time zone you are in from the drop-down menu
- Once you have completed these steps, check the “I accept the terms of service & privacy policy” box
Once all the fields are completed, click the blue sign-up button to create your account.
If successful, you will be re-directed to https://app.ezhirecannabis.com/employer where you will be able to post jobs, track applications, and see the status of any interviews requested.
In addition, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address provided.
Once you have received the confirmation email, open it and follow the instructions to complete the rest of your account.
Posting Your First Job
After you have successfully signed in, you will see your employer dashboard at https://app.ezhirecannabis.com/employer.
In the middle of the page, you will find a blue button labeled “New Job.” Once you have clicked on “New Job”, https://app.ezhirecannabis.com/employer/jobs/new will open. This is where you will provide key information about the position you are posting for. As the post’s creator you will:
- Give your job a title in the field marked “Job Title”
- Select the category of job you are posting from the drop-down menu
- Choose how many people you want to hire
- Select if the position is in-office or remote
- Write a detailed description of the position you wish to fill. Some positions have description templates attached to them to help you get started
- Let us know if you require full-time, part-time, or a combination of the two for the job posting
- Decide how many hours a week the employee will be expected to work
- Select the contract type from the drop-down menu. This can be temporary, contract, internship, or commission
- Select the schedule required of the employee for the job posting
- Either check “yes” or “no” to add a planned start date for this job. If “yes” is selected, an additional field will appear with an option to fill in the required start date
- Under the heading “compensation” you can choose to display the pay offered either by range, starting amount, maximum amount, or the exact amount