How Cannabis Businesses Are Still Hiring Through COVID
The COVID virus has taken the world by storm. As a result, many businesses have had to shut down on a temporary or permanent basis. This results in a loss of income for many workers.
Though businesses are suffering, the cannabis industry is likely to weather through. Due to the fact that they are medical in nature, dispensaries are allowed to stay open. What’s more, many people are looking to CBD to boost their immune systems to help protect them against corona.
With this in mind, not only is the cannabis industry keeping employees working, many of them are hiring.
Read on to find out about the ways cannabis businesses are hiring through COVID.
Hiring Alternate Staff
Although dispensaries are still open, the staff working at these dispensaries are taking a risk every day they come to work. They are exposed to people who may be carriers and they have to work with different surfaces that may be contaminated.
In order to keep staff safe, dispensaries are hiring alternates to split shifts. This allows workers to stay home so they can minimize risk.
The alternate staff also comes in handy if workers become sick.
Delivery Drivers and Warehouse
With more people staying home, delivery is in high demand in any industry and especially in the cannabis industry. In fact, delivery sales have spiked 46% since the lockdown began.
Delivery drivers don’t have to be highly skilled in the field of cannabis so just about anyone that’s over 21 and has a license can become a driver. It’s a great way for people who are temporarily laid off to work through the lockdown.
Just like the lockdown has increased the need for cannabis delivery, there has also been a spike in online sales. To fulfill this need, more workers are needed to process and ship these orders making for growth in warehouse end of the business.
Digital Marketing
The lockdown is a great time for businesses to increase their marketing efforts. Digital marketing can be done remotely and now the lockdown presents an opportunity for businesses to concentrate on branding and come out bigger and better than ever.
When it comes to the cannabis industry, marketing is an ongoing venture. Businesses are constantly hiring for the following positions:
Web Developers: Not only can web developers improve the look of a website, they can help businesses to create apps. This can be extremely useful now that online and delivery services have become so popular.
Graphic Design: Graphic designers can help companies with everything from logo design to packaging to web design and more. Though business is thriving, a great web design can give companies what they need to help them stand out from the competition.
Content Writers: Content is another way for cannabis companies to boost their online presence helping them stand out from the competition. Writers are needed to write engaging content that will build brand awareness.
Production Staff
With demand on the rise, there is always the need to keep the plants growing. Therefore, the industry is hiring people who can grow and harvest crops. Here are some positions that help in the field of cannabis production:
Growers: Growers provide optimal conditions for growing plants that are healthy and potent. They tend to the plants and keep track of them as they are sent out to dispensaries.
Trimmers: Trimmers are in demand during the harvest season. It is their responsibility to trim the plants to minimize waste and prevent contamination. They must also weigh the plants and identify the strains to ensure they are not cheating their customers.
Harvester: Harvesters are responsible for trimming and bucking plants as requested. They must maintain a clean work space and make sure all harvesting is done in compliance with current laws.
The COVID has had numerous negative affects on the economy. Fortunately, the cannabis industry is still hiring and thriving.